Ramp up your Rotary involvement with on-line courses


Did you know that Rotary International has a number of on-line courses?  Topics range from grants to service projects to foundations to membership. An easy and convenient way to learn more about Rotary.  Plus, if you missed a meeting,  your on-line learning experience counts as a make-up. Visit learn.rotary.org to attend a course. #LearnatYourConvenience #Rotary #FloRo #Convenient #LifeLongLearner

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Jim Ferguson installed as new President of Rotary Club of Florence, Kentucky

2018-07-10 Jim Ferguson swearing in by Dennis McEvoy

Jim Ferguson is the new president of the Rotary Club of Florence. Ferguson is the 73rd president of the local service leadership organization, which was founded in 1945. He was installed at a luncheon ceremony on July 9 at the Hilton Cincinnati Airport.   The “passing of the gavel” ritual highlighted the ceremony. Each former president passes the gavel to…

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