Boone Circuit Judge Anthony W. Frohlich

FLORENCE– Boone Circuit Judge Anthony W. Frohlich   believes a recent overhaul of Kentucky’s sentencing laws provides a blueprint for reform in the treatment of non-violent offenders. HB 463, which went into effect in June, reduces jail or prison time for low-risk drug users who possess small amounts of illegal drugs. The legislation also encourages the courts to send minor drug…

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NKU Athletic Director Highlights Winning Programs for Florence Rotary

Florence Rotary welcomed NKU Athletic Director Scott Eaton to their October 31st meeting at the Airport Hilton. Dr. Eaton entertained the Rotarians with a fast-paced recounting of NKU’s numerous scholastic and athletic achievements over the past “Decade of Excellence” at the University. He highlighted men’s and women’s team accomplishments in basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, golf, cross country, volleyball and…

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Entrepreneurship as an employment option

The Green Entrepreneur Program in Kentucky is one example of an innovative entrepreneurship training program adapted for inmates, ex-offenders, and at-risk youths.  The program was established in early 2009 by Sustainable Business Ventures, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company based in Lexington, Ky.  The program uses a combination of entrepreneur and business plan training and work placement. Robert “Bobby” Clark, President of …

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Ghosts of Boone County

Just how much of a role do ghosts play in the history of Boone County?  More than one might think according to Bridget Striker, the Local History Coordinator for Boone County Public Library. At a recent meeting of the Florence Rotary Club, Striker explained that the town of Petersburg is built on top of many Native American graves.  In the…

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Florence Rotary Welcomes Nationally Acclaimed Dermatologist Joseph Bark

 Dr. Joseph Bark, a practicing Dermatologist from Lexington KY, visited Florence Rotary September 19th for a presentation of “Interesting Changes in Dermatology”. Dr. Bark is a Past President of the Lexington Rotary Club and a Past District Governor for Rotary’s Eastern Kentucky District. He began his presentation with a reminder of Rotary’s commitment to end Polio and how very close…

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