Lt Philip Ridgell, Public Information Office for Boone County Sheriff to speak with Rotary Club of Florence on Monday, August 30th

Guests are always welcome to attend. Join the Rotary Club of Florence, serving all of Boone County (@FlorenceRotary) on Monday,  August 30th as Lieutenant Philip Ridgell speaks about crime, laws, and the operations of the Boone County Sheriff’s Office (@BooneSheriffKY). Lt. Ridgell has served in Boone County for 13 years. Before assuming the role as Public Information officer of the…

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Two for One! at Rotary Club of Florence on Monday, August 2nd!

2021-08-01 Alzheimer's Association - Diana Bosse

Guests are always welcome to join and we would love to have new club members! It is a Two for One Monday with the Rotary Club of Florence (@FlorenceRotary) on August 2nd. The club will be joined by Diana Bosse (@dbosse1), Author and Walk Manager for the Alzheimer’s Association (@ALZCin).  She will   be talking about the inspirational book she wrote…

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Bobby Spann, VP-External Affairs for CVG joins Rotary Club of Florence on Monday, July 26th

2021-07-26 CVG - Bobby Spann

On Monday, July 26, 2021 , the Rotary Club of Florence (@FlorenceRotary) joined by Bobby Spann (@BSpann30), Vice President – External Affairs, Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Airport (@CVGAirport) who will be talking about CVG Airport – Air Service Development. Bobby Spann is Vice President, External Affairs for the CVG (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport) and is responsible for leading Air Service Development, which…

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