Police Officers Week Appreciation Lunches

Please help us show our appreciation for the police officers in our community.  We are asking the community to sponsor a lunch for $11.  Our goal is to purchase 189 lunches.  We are well on our way to our goal with 44 lunches already purchased.  Your donation is tax deductible.  Please complete the form below or you may mail a check to:

The Florence Rotary Club Foundation, Inc.
7711 Ewing Blvd
Florence, KY 41042

4 of 145 donations

First Responders Lunch

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Billing Details

Donation Total: $11.00


#ServiceAboveSelf #FloRo #PeopleofAction #PoliceOfficersWeek #District6740 #Appreciaiton #ColonialCottage #Rotary #BuyACopALunch