Rotary Club of Florence will halt all meetings in public due to the mandates and requests that are happening all around the state with the COVID-19 virus. public health departments in KY and OH strongly discourages gatherings over 100 folks. Our club skews to a older demographic and the COVID-19 virus is more susceptible to these folks. I have not received any direction from Rotary International. As this is a very fluid issue and continues to change, folks have emailed and called me with their concerns/feelings. I am requesting based on the feedback I have obtained, that we halt all Rotary meetings in person until 04/20/20. We might start up a conference call meeting, we will evaluate this as a possibility in April. I will send along more data on Monday. Thank you all an ounce of prevention speaks volumes.
Frank Schneider
2019-2020 President
Rotary Club of Florence, KY (serving all of Boone County)
#FloRo #ServiceAboveSelf #PeopleofAction #COVID19 #MeetingCancelled #SocialDistancing #Rotary #Coronavirus