Everyone has a busy schedule these days and County Commissioner and local dentist, Charles Kenner, is no exception. Charlie (everybody calls him Charlie) recently took time out of his schedule to meet with the Florence Rotary Club and share experiences and insights from his recent tour of duty to the Middle East. He also shared observations about Boone County from the perspective of a life-long resident and an elected County Commissioner.
During his deployment to Kuwait, Charlie worked with the Kuwaiti National Guard, which is their equivalent of our U. S. Marines. Seeing and understanding first-hand the daily struggles of a war-torn community gave him a new appreciation for all that we take for granted. He believes this “once in a lifetime” experience will help him better serve Boone County and make him a better commissioner.
The perception is that all of the Middle East is Muslim, so Charlie was surprised to see thriving Catholic and Protestant communities in Kuwait. He was quick to note that the Kuwaiti culture is similar to ours in their appreciation of hard work and decency. Charlie also mentioned that he could not have taken advantage of this opportunity without the support of his family. He offered kudos to his wife and the spouses of all military personnel for keeping the homes together during deployment.
Charlie discussed the needs of both our local community and the international community for dental services. Charlie noted that medical issues are often a significant contributor to student absenteeism and high drop-out rates in schools. He and his staff are trying to combat that by offering free dental services to those in need on Wednesdays which is the day his office is traditionally closed. Charlie has worked with the Lexington National Guard to provide dental services to high risk populations and is trying to initiate similar activities here in Boone County. Charlie noted that Medicare does not cover dentistry. He and his team donate their time to providing these services.
Charlie pointed out the success Boone County has had in working with other local governments to create opportunities for shared services while continuing to focus on the needs of Boone County. The Northern Kentucky Health Department is one such success story. In the 1990s, four counties merged their health departments to create the Northern Kentucky Health Department, which provides services through four clinics, each focusing on the needs of their local clientele. In Boone County alone, over 50 different languages are spoken highlighting that we are a diverse community with unique needs.
For information about weekly meetings, guest speakers and community service opportunities of the Florence Rotary Club, contact Billy Santos, President, at 859-426-2285, or online at wsantos@bankofky.com. Visit the group’s web site at www.florencerotary.org . Florence Rotary meets weekly on Mondays at noon at the Airport Hilton Hotel in Florence.